8:00 – 9:00

  • For those who need to start a little bit earlier we offer an ‘Early bird session’. This is a free play session where your child is able to explore and play with the toys and resources we offer alongside staff.

9:00 – 9:15

  • Nursery doors open  
  • Children are encouraged to …
    • Hang up coats on their pegs
    • Put bags into their key group boxes
    • Put away lunch boxes and water bottles
    • Find their name and put it on the sign in board
    • Explore all the exciting activities out for the day

9:15 – 9:30

  • Registration Group time
    • We start off with music and movement to get all our wiggles out and ready for group time.  During group time we encourage children to take turns talking infront of their friends, gaining confidence whilst learning crutial listening skills.  We discuss days of the week, the month, the weather, and what we are going to learn each day.  We learn a new word each day to expand our vocabulary and practice our Makaton sign language too. 

9:30 – 11:30

  • We offer inspiring learning free flow environment with an open door policy giving the children vast opportunities to reach their full learning potential. 

10:15 – 10:45

  • snack time is a fantastic opportunity to engage in conversations of healthy eating and hygiene. All children are also encouraged to be independent in washing hands, finding their name, getting their own plate and cup, and serving their own snacks and drink, with staff offering support where needed.  We offer a variety of healthy snacks that that they may not have tried at home

11:45 – 12:00

  • Group time Session – are taloired to all the childrens learning requirements. They include activities such as maths with Jumbo, NELI speech and language, phonological awareness, stories, music and movement, yoga, parashoot games and many more.


  • We say goodbye to our morning children and those children who stay for lunch wash their hands and sit down ready for lunch.

12:00 – 12:30

  • Lunchtime gives us all an opportunity to sit down together and talk about our day so far, we encourage the children to have healthy packed lunches and often have talks about healthy food choices.

12:30 – 14:45

  • We offer inspiring learning free flow environment with an open door policy giving the children vast opportunities to reach their full learning potential.

14:45 – 15:00

  • group time session –are taloired to all the childrens learning requirements. They include activities such as maths with Jumbo, NELI speech and language, phonological awareness, stories, music and movement, yoga, parashoot games and many more.

15:00 – 16:15

  • Free play session with a large variety of activities to enhance the environment

16:15 – 16:45

  • Snack / dinner time – Children wash their hands and sit down ready for a snack or dinner provided from home.

16:45 – 17:30

  • Free play session with a large variety of activities to enhance the environment